




  1. Profile of the ORION (Osaka Emergency Information Research Intelligent Operation Network system) between 2015 and 2016 in Osaka, Japan: a population-based registry of emergency patients with both ambulance and in-hospital records. Acute Medicine & Surgery 2019:6(1):12-24.
  2. The effect of different target temperatures in targeted temperature management on neurologically favorable outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide multicenter observational study in Japan (the JAAM-OHCA registry). Resuscitation 2018;133(12):82-87.
  3. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by off-duty medical professionals versus laypersons and survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest among adult patients. Resuscitation 2019;135(2):66-72.
  4. Prehospital factors associated with death on hospital arrival after traffic crash in Japan: a national observational study. BMJ Open 2019;9(1):e025350.
  5. Pre-hospital advanced airway management for adult patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide cohort study. The BMJ 2019;364:l430.
  6. Coffee consumption and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality-Three-Prefecture Cohort in Japan-. Circulation Journal 2019;83(4):757-766.
  7. Sports activity and paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest at schools in Japan. Resuscitation 2019;139(6):33-40.
  8. Full moon and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Japan: population-based double controlled case series analysis. Circulation Reports 2019;1(5):212-218.
  9. Location of arrest and survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest among children in the public-access defibrillation era in Japan. Resuscitation 2019;140(8):150-158.
  10. Serum potassium level on hospital arrival and survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: the CRITICAL study in Osaka, Japan. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019 (E-pub ahead of print).
  11. Characteristics of sports-related emergency transport: A population-based descriptive study in Osaka City. Journal of Epidemiology 2019 (E-pub ahead of print).
  12. Pelvic angiography is effective for emergency pediatric patients with pelvic fractures: A propensity score-matching study with a nationwide trauma registry in Japan. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2019 (E-pub ahead of print).
  13. Characteristics and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Japan -All-Japan Utstein Registry including information on the location of arrest-. International Journal of Human Culture Studies 2019;29:138-146.
  14. Sex disparities in receipt of bystander interventions for youths who experience cardiac arrest in schools in Japan. JAMA Network Open 2019;2(5):e195111.
  15. Public-access defibrillation and survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in public vs. residential locations in Japan. Circulation Journal 2019;83(8):1682-1688.
  16. Intra-aortic balloon pump and survival with favorable neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a multicenter, prospective propensity score-matched study. Resuscitation 2019 (E-pub ahead of print).
  17. Quanititative evaluation of blood flow in each cerebral branch associated with zone 1-2 thoracic endocascular aotic repaire. European Journal of CardioThoracic Surgery.
  18. Risk of stroke early after implantation of a left ventricular assist device. The journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasuclar Surgery.
  19. Relationship between bactermia and hemorragic stroke inpatients with continnuous flow left vetricular assist device. Circulation Journal.
  20. 他Inpress10本


New2024年度 新研究分野創生事業セミナー「応用臨床疫学」のお知らせ
2023年度 新研究分野創生事業セミナー「応用臨床疫学」のお知らせ
UCL Statistical Workshop
2023/8/4: UCL Statistical Workshop Multiple imputation for missing data analysisが開催されます。
2022年度 新研究分野創生事業セミナー「応用臨床疫学」のお知らせ
UCL Statistical Workshop
2021/8/10: UCL Statistical Workshop Path analysis and SEM in Social Epidemiologyが開催されます。
2020年度 新研究分野創生事業セミナー「応用臨床疫学」のお知らせ


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